Wahhoooo it's a blog

I tell you now you will read this. If you find any spelling errors tell me and i will hit myself. For you to follow will be appreciated. You also have permission to laugh at my fails and shake your head in pity at my pathetic life.

Saturday 21 April 2012


The shakes are back. With a vengeance. SHIT.

So earlier I got tweeted from my friend G, he said he needed to talk to me, and then told me to forget it. I figured he had either seen the pictures or knew about me and E. Or there was a tiny chance he knew about something completely different..I wasn't that lucky. I eventually rang him. He said one name to me. The name belonging to E. I literally felt my heart drop. I mean, I had guessed people would find out, I had hoped they wouldn't but I knew they would, it was inevitable. But it still is a fucking shock when you know they know. Turns out he told one of his best mates, now practically everyone knows. Luckily G rang me to tell me people knew, I would rather I knew they knew rather than wondered if they did. I tried texting E. I told him people knew, and asked him how and stuff. He hasn't even replied. Fucking class mate. I mean, this is probably the time where it would be convenient to have someone to talk to, especially the only other person besides myself who got me into this mess, him.

My best friend told me people have mentioned it but they really don't mind, they aren't that fussed, but G said that people are only just finding out, so it could get bigger. Let's hope the first one is the actual scenario. 

Also, my two best friends fucked. Leaving just one virgin in my little four, bless him. But now they're in an argument because he told people. I'm talking to them both telling them not to make the same mistake I did and drive the other one away because they will regret it. They're not really listening. God shit is messed up right now.

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