Wahhoooo it's a blog

I tell you now you will read this. If you find any spelling errors tell me and i will hit myself. For you to follow will be appreciated. You also have permission to laugh at my fails and shake your head in pity at my pathetic life.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

My fantasy world.

I have to wake up. I guess it's good to dream, but I have to stop it. 

I seem to get the feeling that I want my life to be a story. I want my life to be completely abnormal. I want a big fairytale. I want a romantic gesture from the guy of my dreams, for him to tell me i'm all he ever wanted and I mean the world to him. Yeah we'd break up. But it'd be a story.

I want to go somewhere I don't know. I want to act like I have that rock star attitude where it just seems like I don't give a damn in hell what anyone thinks. Make a fool out of myself just because I can.

I just want some abnormality.

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