Wahhoooo it's a blog

I tell you now you will read this. If you find any spelling errors tell me and i will hit myself. For you to follow will be appreciated. You also have permission to laugh at my fails and shake your head in pity at my pathetic life.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

God I need a life.

I'm really not sure if you've all realised but basically I have a super addictive personality. I've smoked and never got hooked...but tv programs. They seem to be my weakness.

Soooo my newest obsession. Hellcats.

I've started watching it from the beginning. Started yesterday. over halfway through the season. And it's whilst watching this episode that I've been struck by an extreme sense of jealousy. I got this whilst watching Awkward. I wanted to be in the situation of being the quiet kid with these guys chasing after me. That hasn't happened...But this one...This scenario is going on. 

So. They had sex. They lost their virginities to each other. They were best friends at the time. (sounding familiar yet?)...And then they didn't talk for over six months (me and E aren't talking) and now they're back to being best friends and have been for years and arghhhh I want my life to be a TV program. Buuuut it isn't. Oh how I wish I didn't spend this long living in some fantasy dream world. But what do you know. I do. Fingers crossed my life eventually mirrors this. I hate losing people. Especially people I was once so close to. It's possible we'll make up in time of course. Who knows.


  1. ME AND YOU BOTH! I wish my life was like Haley's from One Tree Hill. I want a Nathan Scott. :/

    1. Haha! Just a bit! TV lives are so amazing and arghhh I want it all.
