Wahhoooo it's a blog

I tell you now you will read this. If you find any spelling errors tell me and i will hit myself. For you to follow will be appreciated. You also have permission to laugh at my fails and shake your head in pity at my pathetic life.

Monday 30 April 2012



Hmmm....it appears we have a new guy on the scene. Probably won't last long. There is an age gap :(. C. He is good looking, and such a lovely person, but he's 18...(don't judge he's no pedo)

I've not mentioned him because I figured when I meet up with him we'll be JUST friends with no hope of anything more. We have been talking for quite a while. I think I was wrong,

Basically I had one of the best mornings of my life today. We had joked around that he was going to come and get me for a mcdonalds. I thought we were joking. I was asleep...then my phone goes off next to my year "I'll be there in about 20 minutes. 

So 2 in the morning and i'm told he's outside. I get in the car....and he's hotter than I remember, don't know how...but he is. And he says we're going to pick up my best friend, which kinda bugged me because she can occasionally just act slutty to avoid being the third wheel, which annoys me. I knew she would. 

So this was possibly the best morning of my life. We get back home after driving quite far away for this McDonalds and my friend says "no one is home, let's eat it at mine" So after sleeping for 3 hours the night before then working all day my intention was to eat then go home and sleep. It seemed like the best thing to do. So after ordering 40 chicken nuggets, this was always going to take a while anyway. But at 4 we tried to convince him to let us dye his hair. He did. He now has purple hair...it was meant to come out brown....I don't even know. Then we went to tesco which wasn't even open....so we went back to my friends. She was doing all she could to try and get involved...didn't work. We were cuddling up for ages watching a film, then she tried to come over.....one word....FAIL. He then was laying on the sofa in the prime spooning position. I decided to be difficult. After about ten minutes I think he gave up and literally just picked me up and put me on my side...Win or what. 

But we did have an awkward moment. It's no secret girls want him, even less of a secret that he's no virgin. But we weren't sure the extent...so we asked...after a while of counting...he's had sex with 27 different girls. 5 of them models. WHAT?! Yeah. Shocked me. He's nice though, just a mega shame about the age gap :(, and the fact I think I have slightly too much to be number whatever I would be by that point.

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