Wahhoooo it's a blog

I tell you now you will read this. If you find any spelling errors tell me and i will hit myself. For you to follow will be appreciated. You also have permission to laugh at my fails and shake your head in pity at my pathetic life.

Wednesday 18 April 2012


Okay so I'm a nerd. I'll admit it. Top sets for everything, I read a lot, I'm just a bit geeky. But I've always had one thing said to me "You can't be a nerd. You're actually mildly attractive" (complimenting friends I have.)..and let's face it. I don't look like the stereotypical nerd. I care about the way I look, I wear a fair amount of makeup (Without looking orange) I straighten my hair. I dye my hair. I do put effort in....but now. Oh I've just had some news.

....I need glasses.

I mean, there is nothing wrong with glasses...on most people. But i'm not going to lie...my head vaguely resembles a football. It's quite round. Basically. I have a really small head. So all glasses just look abnormal on me. Simply because...They don't fit my face. They cover a pretty large percentage of it. So I really don't suit glasses. And I need them. My eyesight is pretty bad. When I was younger, I always used to have the fantasy that if I got glasses I would have the whole sexy secretary look going for me...I don't. I look like a little nerdy kid. And after today at school my makeup was all coming off. I'm looking a bit spotty. My hair had lost it's curl....basically. I looked a mess. So you can tell. Brilliant news of the day...



  1. I dreaded getting the news that I needed glasses! I even used to hide them in my bag during school and pretend they didn't exist. I gave in though, wore them and one guy called me cute. :D

    Ever thought about contact lenses? I hate eyeballs, touching them or seeing them being poked. I could never wear contacts. Ew.

  2. Ahhh! I was sitting in the opticians like...."please don't say it please don't say it"...and then they said it "you're short sighted.." GREAT. I know i'll wear them and just make a joke out of it, let's hope for a story like yours eh?

    And I would wear contacts, but I have to wait like three months anyway :(
