Wahhoooo it's a blog

I tell you now you will read this. If you find any spelling errors tell me and i will hit myself. For you to follow will be appreciated. You also have permission to laugh at my fails and shake your head in pity at my pathetic life.

Wednesday 18 April 2012


Ok. So I spent all of last night talking to E's best friend.
He knows.
I knows He knows.
I think He knows I know He knows.
Which made the whole conversation just awkward.
It was just a normal conversation. But after every single line he was putting a winky face. Even something that clearly had no relevance to the whole E thing. The only lines where it was even slightly valid were "just laying in bed ;)"
And "I guess I owe you one ;)"
I'm pretty sure he's now got some deranged fantasy that because I slept with his best friend he has a valid chance. He doesn't.
Towards the end I got slightly frustrated and just decided to ask him. I said "what's with the constant winky faces"
His reply "Ermm...I always use them ;)"
Yeah. Definitely. At least the most awkward moment of my life (besides FaceTime) is over now. E. THANKYOU so much for bringing a new meaning of the word awkward into my life.


  1. HA! I just blogged about a similar situation I dated a guy and he slept with another girl because I obviously wasn't "givin him any". Then his best friend wanted me to go over there and I thought why not. Then he tried getting in my pants and I told him I don't get down like that and he goes, "Thats not what Clay said" I could of killed someone. MAN: Men Are Stupid. Period haha :)

  2. Paha! I swear. Boys really aren't as loyal as girls, best mates seems to mean a completely different thing! They also don't seem to realise what they say is completely screwing up any chance of their "friend" getting you back! They truly seem to believe that saying "you've done it before" is a valid convincing point! NOT QUITE.
