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Wednesday 15 February 2012

My Current Situation(s)

I hate to be tedious and drone on about my love life, but it's the most complicated and probably the only interesting aspect of my life. This is going to make me sound like a slut. I grasp that, but yeah, I have options. No idea why. I'm average looking and I'm not exactly easy. OK, so to break it down, my current options are A, I, E, M, creepy stalker, and lying cheating dickhead. Pardon my french. Here is a brief summary of each:
  • A- The older guy. Technically not single, but they're in a rough patch. He was almost my new years kiss, but due to me acting embarrassed as a substitute for joy. I blew that one. He has extremely attractive cheekbones.
  • I - the nice guy. He's genuinely lovely. He is sweet. He is also boring. He goes to a grammar school, tries far too desperately to make conversation. and ends up just making me fall asleep. Unfortunately due to some drunken mishap he was my new years kiss. But unfortunately, I know his family, and they really want us two to end up together. I cannot see it happening. I need a little bit of excitement.
  • E- Extremely hot. A traveler. He is pretty clever, although I tutor him in maths slightly. We're close, people constantly say they could see us together, despite the fact we haven't met up since last October, unless weekly 4 hour video calls count. Which I don't think they do. He's a nice person, but does not do relationships. He leads me on, asking how he could get a date with me, then asking what made me think he wanted one. Yes, he's confusing. I've only ever met him twice. Once at a party where he laid on me in his boxers, and again at the cinema to see Paranormal Activity, where his best friend felt the need to exclaim the word "boner" in the silent cinema.
  • M- 21st century romance. He's cute, but still hung up on another girl. He asked me for my address so he could put roses on my doorstep. He's a cutey, but i find it all a bit suffocating. Also, his tireless chasing made him lose his best friend. I don't like that.
  • Creepy Stalker- "I don't want anything right now..." "I'll wait for you!"...all that need be said. On the upside, I believe he's moved on now. He's seeing another girl. Thank God for that.
  • Lying cheating dickhead- Creepy stalker's best friend. He kissed me then told me he had a girlfriend. Unfortunately I never seem to be able to straight up forget him. Damn it.
Ok, sorry for the first vent. I probably just scared you away. I know it's all a bit cliche to write a blog about love life, but it probably won't all be about that, let's just call it the most interesting aspect of my life. Sorry for the novel, it's still a bit of an introduction, it should get better from here.

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