Wahhoooo it's a blog

I tell you now you will read this. If you find any spelling errors tell me and i will hit myself. For you to follow will be appreciated. You also have permission to laugh at my fails and shake your head in pity at my pathetic life.

Wednesday 2 May 2012


Ok so obviously my mum doesn't know I am no longer a virgin. But C was round earlier, and she thinks he is 17 (or this conversation could be even worse)..she tried to have the talk with me. She gave me a hug and was like "You do know you can talk to me don't you?" And I was like "i've been cuddling down here with someone older than me I know what's coming..."yeah."...."well I know you're going to want to have a serious boyfriend and seeing you with someone older than you has made me realise how much you're growing up and if you do want to take things more seriously with the next boyfriend we'll go to the doctors yeah and we can get you completely sorted for it?"...CRINGE. I THINK I FEEL SICK.

Okay, anyway, off the cringeyness. I just had such a good night xD. So as I said earlier C came over to help me revise history. We spent all night cuddling up and watching low budget horror films. I hate the age gap. but we even found ourselves talking about it....We were mucking about, and we were talking about at what age it would be acceptable for me and him to kind of be close. I did find out that he was seeing someone though, but then he said he had stopped things with her. So that made me happy. I opened up to him. Like I really did. I told him everything recent, I just told him everything, that's a big deal for me. He left like half an hour ago and gave me a huge hug then left. Everytime he leaves I hope something slightly more will happen, but I know that he's 18 and I'm 15 so it won't. That does make me sad but hey ho it won't change :(. I'll keep you updated on that situation, it was really nice though, really nice to be that close to someone :)

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