Wahhoooo it's a blog

I tell you now you will read this. If you find any spelling errors tell me and i will hit myself. For you to follow will be appreciated. You also have permission to laugh at my fails and shake your head in pity at my pathetic life.

Monday 7 May 2012


Okay I know I've blogged a lot today but I forgot to say something key. C is a little bit rough around the edges (if you didn't quite get that from our scratching and biting of each other)...well yeah. He is. Yesterday I was just meant to be meeting up with him for a walk, but he had been saying "yeah I'll meet up with you after work but I have to do a favour for my friend first."
So C is intelligent so I figured it was something like that. Then he turned up with bruised knuckles. Turns out his friend likes this girl who can't get away from her abusive boyfriend, so he set C on him...like the boy is abusive so deserves it, but I swear C felt nothing for it, he just saw beating this kid up (quite badly) as a favour for his friend.
And he used to do drugs, and he quit, he used to smoke and he quit...but apparently he hasn't quit. Well he did but he's started again, and I know it's not my position, but I'm going to find a way to get him to stop for good again...I just want to.


  1. I've been there girl its a hard habit to quit, it is possible though. Not to brag but I've had four of my ex boyfriends quit smoking it just takes a long ass time. Oh and who cares about age I don't think it matters one bit think of it this way. When he's 30 how old will you be? Is it normal for someone whose what 26 to be dating a 30 year old? Course it is so I don't see why its that much more of a big deal if someone whose 16 is dating someone whose 20. It took my parents a long time to realize that but they got over it. I seem to always be dating older guys and I've turned out alright. Don't let age hold you back :)

    1. Yeah I guess I don't know what will happen...He is weirder with it than me though, which is understandable because he would probably be judged as it is right now.
      Also, yeah I know how hard it is to quit, I just don't like the fact he already has quit once...and is now starting again because of "stress".
