Wahhoooo it's a blog

I tell you now you will read this. If you find any spelling errors tell me and i will hit myself. For you to follow will be appreciated. You also have permission to laugh at my fails and shake your head in pity at my pathetic life.

Tuesday 20 March 2012


I'm being harassed. I just got asked what I was doing, thought I could reply with "Writing a blog", without being harassed for a link. I can't apparently. So he's now like "OMG LINNK MEEEEEEEE"....not quite, more like "I'm bored link." Not going to. HELL NO. Anyway, are you already for an especially little whiny post?

Meet my mum.
MY MUM IS A WHORE. I love her. She brought me into this world. Well, actually she had a Caesarean...She was just my oven. My sister made a comment about her many boyfriends....No one in the house is talking now. Awkward silence. Considering just walking out, but frankly, I'm a bit of an anti-rebel...I would probably never do it...Even though I would love to. I just, I find her a massive hypocrite, she seems to think she can control our lives then flip out when we get upset because she goes out at one in the morning and doesn't get back until the next day. Oh well, I will quite happily live :'). I tried to briefen my whine as much as possible (please don't say i'm not the only one who can't say whine or moan without just picking up on endless sexual references?) so I didn't bore you to tears, or make you think I was a little whiny (tehe) bitch. I promise I'll be more humorous next time, or attempted humorous, it'll just be a little bit less serious. And a lot less boring xD.

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